Opening Doors for

Nordic Business

VD, Econ.LIC (Int´l Bus), HHJ


Jag grundade ECCA Nordic 2005 för att skapa och leverera förutsättningar för tillväxt och export på den nordiska marknaden – framförallt för små och medelstora nordiska företag. För många SMEs är vi 25 miljoner nordbor, har ett fungerande välfärds- och hälsovårdssystem, påverkas av det nordliga klimatet och genom våra smarta, funktionella hem och andra byggnader finns en stor potentiell marknad. Jag jobbar framför allt med att lyfta fram, utveckla och internationalisera lösningar som vänder sig till den växande efterfrågan på nya, digitala lösningar för vård som vi nu ser växa fram. Jag jobbar med enkla verktyg för bättre egenvård och hälsa, för modulära och hållbara lösningar för byggande och boende och med renare mat och miljö.

Minna HP image

ECCA Nordic = Future Vision + Action Today

Pure Export. Pure Energy


ECCA Nordic är en extern resurs med brett och etablerat nätverk i Norden för att stödja ditt företag när ni:
  • Skapar tillväxt och ökar internationaliseringen genom nordiska nätverk
  • expanderar er verksamhet i andra nordiska länder
  • behöver förstärka era egna resurser med marknads- och exportkunskaper
  • ska utkristallisera er långsiktiga affärsutveckling med strategier som kan genomföras
  • är ute efter ett pragmatiskt, konkret genomförande och enkla lösningar ökar kundnyttan hos era kundföretag
  • marknadsför lokalt eller nationellt; deltar events med partners eller ordnar aktiviteter, kommunicerar till traditionell och social media, fackmedia, kunder och partners
  • söker en partner för en nyetablering


ECCA Nordic levererar också marknads-, kund- eller konkurrentanalyser, söker partners, startar eller förvärvar lokala bolag eller förstärker sälj- och marknadsresurser med en lång erfarenhet, hög kompetens och stor pålitlighet.


ECCA Nordics partners finns lokalt, i Norden och globalt. Med hjälp av ECCA Nordics partners kan vi tillsammans generera mervärde för dina kunder, erbjuda större helhetslösningar, ta bort flaskhalsar, minska tidsbrister eller öka de knappa resurser som stått på vägen för bättre nordiska affärer eller partnerskap. Vi utnyttjar de främsta kompetenserna, teknikleverantörerna, logistikspecialisterna, underlättar exportfinansiering och bidrar även till att söka annat externt eller finansiellt stöd. Genomför benchmarking och hittar de övriga marknadsförare som bäst bidrar till att skapa kundnytta för ditt företag. ECCA Nordic är alltid redo att öka tillväxten, bilda starkare internationella nätverk och göra bättre nordiska affärer tillsammans med ditt företag – Let´s grow healthy in the Nordics!







Opening Doors for

Nordic Business

VD, Econ.LIC (Int´l Bus), HHJ


Perustin ECCA Nordicin vuonna 2005, koska visioni on rakentaa pohjoismaisesta osaajien, innovoijien ja resurssien yhteismarkkinasta kilpailukykyinen, kansainvälinen, terve, puhdas ja turvallinen 25 miljoonan asukkaan, teollisuuden ja elinkeinoelämän koti- ja toimikenttä  Ajan rohkeasti liiketoiminnan kasvua, kestävää ja merkityksellistä elämää pohjoismaiseen tapaan. Maailmanvalloitus ei käy ihan kädenkäänteessä, mutta ei se toisaalta ole mitään rakettitiedettäkään. Tarvitaan ennen kaikkea käytännöntason ymmärrystä siitä, kuinka markkinat toimivat eri maissa. Täytyy ymmärtää, kuinka ihmiset, kulttuuri, kauppatavat ja markkinoiden rakenteet eroavat oman maan vastaavista.

Olen yhdistelmä ruotsalaista myönteisyyttä ja suomalaista suoruutta. Maiden markkinoiden ja toiminnan sekä kulttuurierojen ymmärtäminen ovat tärkein kauppatavarani. Osaan kertoa ne asiat, jotka pitää tehdä tai muuttaa, jotta voi menestyä toisessa Pohjoismaassa.Suomalaisten ja ruotsalaisten juurieni ansiosta ymmärrän erilaisuuksien sekä samankaltaisuuksien voiman, mutta pystyn myös kanavoimaan tämän voiman markkinoille, joilla arvostetaan menestystä vahvan osaamisen ja verkostovoiman kautta.

Johdossani ECCA Nordic on kerännyt yhteen osaamistiimejä ja verkostoja, joista muodostuu tehokas viennin lähtöalusta mm. ympäristöteknologian, kestävän teollisuusrakentamisen, koulutuksen ja terveydenhuollon tuotteille ja palveluille. ECCA Nordicin kasvu- ja vientiyritykset edustavat montaa eri toimialuetta. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi MedTech-, e-Health-, älykkään omaterveyden, pohjoisen puhtaiden elintarvikkeiden, ympäristötekniikan ja kestävän, modulaarisen teollisen rakentamisen sekä asumisen ratkaisut ja asiantuntijapalvelut. Yhteistä näille kaikille on vahva vienti ja kasvu Pohjoismaissa, globaali kilpailukyky, innovatiivisuus sekä skaalautuvuus kansainvälisesti myös kumppaniverkoston kautta.

Voin ylpeydellä sanoa, että valjastamalla teknologisen kehityksen ja toimimalla oikein – sekä asiakkaita ja kumppaneita kohtaan että myös laajemmassa merkityksessä – ECCA Nordicista on tullut luotettu yritysten yhteensaattaja niin Pohjoismaissa kuin muuallakin.

Minna HP image

ECCA Nordic = Visio tulevaisuudesta + Toimintaa tässä hetkessä

Pohjoismainen elämäntapa rakentaa terveellisiä ja keskustelevia yhteiskuntia, jotka ovat entistä kestävämpiä, turvallisia ja puhtaita.

Puhdasta vientiä. Puhdasta energiaa. Puhdasta omistautumista yrityksesi kasvuun.


kasvua maailmanlaajuisille markkinoille
kestäviä ja molempia osapuolia hyödyttäviä suhteita yhteistyökumppaneihin ja toimittajiin
menestyksekästä kasvua, joka auttaa sidosryhmiämme tuomaan markkinoille innovatiivisia ratkaisuita, hyödykkeitä ja palveluja.

Liiketoiminta kasvuun vientiä laajentamalla
Tehtäväni on varmistaa, että yrityksesi menestyy ja tavoitellut ovet aukeavat.


Kestävät pitkän tähtäimen yhteistyösuhteet luovat uusia mahdollisuuksia. Siksi aivan aluksi onkin asetettava realistiset odotukset sille, mitä voimme yhdessä saavuttaa ja miten.


Rakennan työkaluja pitkäjänteiseen menestykseen. Emme siis pelkästään myy yritysten puolesta, vaan toimimme mahdollistajana. Yksinkertaistettuna voisi vaikka sanoa, että tarjoillaan tuote maassa maan tavalla.


Innovation is a Team Game

In the Nordics quality manufacturing is what we do – collaborative innovation is who we are

To ECCA Nordic sustainable relationships mean the following:

1.  A collaboration framework  – is something we put in place because we always endeavour to understand what makes a company tick and why they need our  support (see Export Expertise).

2.  The Value of a network is not static. In order for it to continue being valuable it must be kept alive, constantly contributing to business success. If businesses are able to be reciprocal in opportunities they offer and receive, the network will remain truly alive.

3. Sustainable success happens by design, not chance. It is important to remember that if you dip into a network at the beginning of your export journey and are successful, this is very often by chance. We believe that long-term success is about systematically connecting a product to an understanding of the market, building in wider partner alignment along the way. Our systems and processes are therefore designed to create success through network sustainability.

The globalised knowledge economy has created opportunity but, has also led to increased industrial and economic competition. Private and public sector decision makers must cope with rapid technological developments and, in order to meet the every-changing demands of a 21st century business environment, should anticipate new opportunities and threats.

Companies also need to be more adaptable and innovative than ever before and this has intensified the search for proper tools that can create robust, strategic intelligence. ECCA Nordic has anticipated this, building a reputation in the Nordics for identifying the right kind of partner companies and directly contributing to  innovative systems and networks.

With ECCA Nordic you don’t pay for getting into a network; we add value by finding partners that fit into your business model and strategy.

Relationships + Value = Sustainable Business Networks

”Everybody recognises the need for a Nordic Knowledge market and understands the power of coming together. However, for many companies, everyday life gets in the way – it easier just focussing on business as usual.

That’s where I come in. I see where there might be connections and put companies together within a ’Premium Nordic Healthcare Banner’, or a ’Nordic Cleantech Innovation Platform’.

This collective approach creates innovation and offers new markets a clear vision of how their needs can be serviced by opening their doors to Nordic Ideas. ”

Connect with us to become part of an innovation network!

Partners such as Viudetta, welcome the networks and business opportunities created by ECCA Nordic’s sustainable, competence based, collaborative strategy.

“Viudetta is the leading specialist and distributor of electronic bidets, supporting ease of use and  elderly care in Finland. The Smart Home business development program is a perfect forum to co-operate in the Nordic region and through this, with the support of ECCA Nordic, we expect to find new innovations and good partners to work with.” Jari Viitanen, Viudetta

Key and Influential Partners

ECCA Nordic: The Whole is Greater than the Sum of our Parts

Collaborative partnerships are at the heart of ECCA Nordic’s success. Our positive networks mean we are also part of business member organisations which include IVA/Näringslivsrådet, RISE, Rajaneuvonta, Sweden2Go, Business Finland, Swecare, Företagarna and many more.

Our partners include organisations such as government supported Business Finland, who use our expertise as part of their service offerings. We are also proud to be able to partner with large corporations as well as smaller organisations wishing to enter relevant markets.

We particularly enjoy creating tailored SME export groups to help leverage the expertise and bargaining power of the organisations we represent in the Nordics and beyond.

If you would like to find out more about working with us as a partner or a client, please contact us, we would love to hear from you!


Don’t just take our word for it!

”Welfare technology and new digital services is a team game. Thanks to ECCA as an accelerator, Everon has established business relationships with other Nordic frontrunner companies in our field. Looking forward to taking remote consultancy and diagnostics further with other parties on the market place.” Tommi Lunden,  Everon

” Together with ECCA Nordic we support organisations with hands-on market expertise, strengthening core business activities and so facilitating a successful market entry.” Ari Huhtala, NordConsult

”ECCA Nordic has provided invaluable support for our Finnish market entry. The help we received meant we were able to establish ourselves in the market quickly and shortly after that sign our first clients!”  CEO Johan Gustafsson, Visiba Care


LINGONIA Oy is a partner to ECCA Nordic on Nordic languages and communication.

Lingonia is a translation agency with a clear character. We are interested in our clients’ work and provide for each one with customized service. Regardless the scale of your translation project, we can provide you with one or more language versions − swiftly and accurately, according to your preferred process.

The scope of our production includes: brochures, presentations, publications, invitations, program leaflets, press releases, forms, advertising and marketing, exhibition descriptions, curricula, learning materials, product descriptions, web pages, annual reports, corporate presentations, and other.

We provide translations and text e.g. in the following languages: Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English

We deliver our assignments according to the terms and conditions of The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL).


PK & Co. Oy is a partner to ECCA Nordic on business development and growth. We work hard to help our customers rebuild their business, shape their markets and move them along the growth path. Our cornerstones of successful development are a crystalclear vision, strategy and openness for surprising insights – all of them carefully thought out. The systematic growth planning and implementation boost steady international growth and market access with success.


With extensive knowledge of the Life Sciences and the US market, BioPortUSA addresses your unique needs and provides a customized plan and suite of services administered in one place, making the entire process seamless and pain free. BioPortUSA saves you time and provide unprecedented access to industry leaders in their respective fields.

”We are thrilled that Minna Storm, CEO of ECCA Nordic has agreed to work with BioPortUSA. Her knowledge of the Swedish and Finnish markets makes her the perfect conduit to facilitate business opportunities for our two organizations”says  

The North Calotte Cross-Border Advice Service

The North Calotte Cross-Border Advice Service guides both individuals and enterprises in cross-border matters.

” We value our strong partnership with ECCA Nordic.”

The North Calotte Cross-Border Advice Service




Viudetta is the leading specialist and distributor of electronic bidets in Finland, supporting those with mobility problems. ECCA Nordic supports export activities across the Nordic markets.


Specialist distributor of electronic bidets


”In partnership with ECCA Nordic, we are setting up an expert network aimed at helping businesses access a wide range of services to support export activities – with a special focus on cross-border support.”


Accounting and business consultancy agency


”Thanks to ECCA as an accelerator, Everon has established business relationships with other Nordic frontrunner companies”





Pioneering telemedicine


Lempi is an on-line medical facility with the goal of improving type 2 diabetes by shifting the focus from disease control to individual technology-assisted remote care.



Online support for diabetics


” ECCA Nordic are helping us enter the Finnish market. Minna’s large network of contacts and excellent knowledge of Finnish health care is invaluable!”




Home based heart healthcare


“Verde Consulting and ECCA Nordic have built strong bridges across the Nordic markets, building awareness for our region’s value-added approach to business.”


Building bridges across Nordic markets


” ECCA Nordic has provided invaluable support for our Finnish market entry.”





An e-platform for healthcare providers


” We work with ECCA Nordic to deliver seamless innovations around wellbeing to the Nordics.”



Innovation Partner


PK & Co. Oy is a partner to ECCA Nordic on business development and growth. We work hard to help our customers rebuild their business, shape their markets and move them along the growth path. Our cornerstones of successful development are a crystalclear vision, strategy and openness for surprising insights – all of them carefully thought out. The systematic growth planning and implementation boost steady international growth and market access with success.


With extensive knowledge of the Life Sciences and the US market, BioPortUSA addresses your unique needs and provides a customized plan and suite of services administered in one place, making the entire process seamless and pain free. BioPortUSA saves you time and provide unprecedented access to industry leaders in their respective fields.

”We are thrilled that Minna Storm, CEO of ECCA Nordic has agreed to work with BioPortUSA. Her knowledge of the Swedish and Finnish markets makes her the perfect conduit to facilitate business opportunities for our two organizations”says  

The North Calotte Cross-Border Advice Service

The North Calotte Cross-Border Advice Service guides both individuals and enterprises in cross-border matters.

” We value our strong partnership with ECCA Nordic.”

The North Calotte Cross-Border Advice Service




Viudetta is the leading specialist and distributor of electronic bidets in Finland, supporting those with mobility problems. ECCA Nordic supports export activities across the Nordic markets.


Specialist distributor of electronic bidets


”In partnership with ECCA Nordic, we are setting up an expert network aimed at helping businesses access a wide range of services to support export activities – with a special focus on cross-border support.”


Accounting and business consultancy agency


”Thanks to ECCA as an accelerator, Everon has established business relationships with other Nordic frontrunner companies”





Pioneering telemedicine


Lempi is an on-line medical facility with the goal of improving type 2 diabetes by shifting the focus from disease control to individual technology-assisted remote care.



Online support for diabetics


” ECCA Nordic are helping us enter the Finnish market. Minna’s large network of contacts and excellent knowledge of Finnish health care is invaluable!”




Home based heart healthcare


“Verde Consulting and ECCA Nordic have built strong bridges across the Nordic markets, building awareness for our region’s value-added approach to business.”


Building bridges across Nordic markets


” ECCA Nordic has provided invaluable support for our Finnish market entry.”





An e-platform for healthcare providers


” We work with ECCA Nordic to deliver seamless innovations around wellbeing to the Nordics.”



Innovation Partner

Welcome to our Bulletin Board!

Uusille markkinoille voi tehdä vain yhden sisääntulon. Sen ei tarvitse välttämättä olla huomiota herättävä, mutta olennaista on minimoida asiat, jotka voivat mennä vikaan.

Joskus tuote tai palvelu voidaan myydä sellaisenaan uuteen kohdemaahan, mutta useimmiten se ei kuitenkaan ole niin yksinkertaista; kotimaassa toimiva jakelukanava tai eri toimijoiden yhteistyö ei toimikaan samalla tavalla ulkomailla. Hintoja voidaan joutua rukkaamaan. Usein pitää miettiä myös markkinoinnin työvälineitä ja markkinointi-informaatiota uuden maan näkökulmasta.

Tuotteen markkinasopeutus on Ecca Nordicin palvelu, jolla tehdään mahdollisimman fiksu sisääntulo uusille markkinoille. Yksinkertaistettuna voisi vaikka sanoa, että tarjoillaan tuote maassa maan tavalla.



Markkinasopeutuksessa käydään läpi mm. seuraavia asioita:

Soveltuuko tuote sellaisenaan markkinoille vai tarvitaanko muutoksia?

Pitääkö hinnoittelua muuttaa?

Onko lainsäädännöllisiä esteitä?

Miten myynti toimii kohdemaassa – mitä jakelukanavia, kumppaneita tai yhteistyötä tarvitaan?

Millaista viestintää ja kanavia kannattaa käyttää?

Pitääkö markkinoinnin työkaluja ja suhdetoimintaa muokata?

Tuotteen markkinasopeutusta varten tehdään konkreettinen toimintasuunnitelma, jonka mukaan edetään. Palvelu on varma tapa hoitaa markkinoilletulo hallitusti ja järjestelmällisesti.

Kysy tarjousta oman tuotteesi tai palvelusi markkinasopeutuksesta!

About Us

ECCA Nordic: Expanding Networks – Opening Markets

Nordic Values

Across the Nordics there are many different approaches to doing business. However, we are united by our values and embrace both transparency and collaborative working. Put quite simply, quality manufacturing is something we do –  collaborative innovation is who we are.

Jantelagen is the Swedish concept of achieving things collectively. It can be quite controversial, but translating this to embrace 21st century requirements is central to the ECCA Nordic way of doing business. In our new, connected world an updated version of Jantelagen offers a great platform for individual achievement to shine through.

Networks by Design

Business alignment and sustainable partnerships don’t happen by chance. They happen because organisations have a deep understanding of who they are and are so inspired to participate in a collective vision. The ECCA Nordic approach combines people, places and digital platforms in a triangle of success that helps uncover this, fostering collaborative innovation in both home and export markets.

Sustained Success

ECCA Nordic finds the right resources, sets realistic expectations and offers an absolute understanding of market context. However, by thinking differently and seeking out sustainable, future-oriented interaction, we continue to empower an extensive client and partner portfolio, bringing a connected range of product and services to market in the Nordics, while offering a Nordic way of living to other parts of the world also.

“Helping a company get export ready means becoming part of its soul. ECCA Nordic is there every day – motivating, leading, supporting. That's why we inspire 100% export success.”


If you are interested in expanding your business into the Nordics, or are a Nordic company, wishing to build export partnerships we would love to hear from you! Please call us or fill out the contact form below.

Please type the text above. Thank you.

ECCA Nordic
Packaregatan 8 C 73
FI-20100 Åbo-Turku

+358 (0)40 50 70 445, +46 (0)73 506 5606
minna.storm at


Let’s talk Marketing…

Marketing is about focus. The more focused you are on what you have to say and who you have to say it to, the more motivated stakeholders will be to engage.

The Nordics are known for being amongst the most transparent regions in the world and, consequently, among the most trusting. In Sweden, for example, you have been able to look up anyone’s salary for decades. Norway has a similar system.

This kind of transparency has helped foster an atmosphere of collaboration that has been vital in building innovative systems and structures – in particular in areas I am passionate about. These include healthcare, educational technology, greentech, cleantech and sustainable construction.

In our connected world this transparency supports current business dynamics. Social media, for example,  is immediate, so it is important to be able to adapt with lightening speed to people’s opinions. We therefore translate what matters to people in one place to something that is relevant in another, and that is the essence of good marketing.

Internal understanding matters as well though. I am therefore also focused on that middle layer of marketing  – as this kind of collaboration makes it possible to build strong, innovative messages together.

The export partner groups have been an example of this. There are  4-6 companies in each group who share resources. I help them work through the export and internationalisation process jointly. Shared understanding creates pooled resources and powerful market entries.

"MARKETING, is about helping companies recognise their resources – often it’s just a case of thinking differently.”

So how about an example?

Well, I believe that Premium Nordic Healthcare should be as recognisable a symbol of our region as Parmesan cheese is for Italy…

I know there is a Nordic and a global market for future care within a smart home environment.

A big part of what I do is to work with companies who are able to provide distance care, often combined with visits; creating a 360° service.

So to me, by empowering the patient, their family and the healthcare professionals to work as a team, my partners in this sector help me deliver on this. Essentially we beleive that healthcare is holistic. So, no matter where people happen to be, we allow everyone to actively participate in their own well-being.

If you keep an eye on my News Bulletin page, you will see news items featuring  other  sectors.

These are some of the things I discuss with partners to ensure stakeholders remain motivated – including distributors, wholesalers as well as the end customers!


Does your product or service fit the market or are the changes needed?

How about the pricing, does that work?

Let’s check out any legal obstacles.

And how about the supply chain? Are distribution channels, partners, or collaboration needed different in the market you are aiming to enter?

Are communications tools ready – PR, social media, website, brochures and even presentations?

As you can see it’s all about strategic thought and connected action. Coupled with our decades of experience you can see that by working with ECCA Nordic you will be set for market success!

Business Growth through Export Expansion

It is my business to make sure that yours is a success story. Sustainable, long term relationships drive opportunity. Therefore, the first thing I do, is to set realistic expectations about what can be achieved and how.

Most of my partner companies have been with me for  many years. Our first point of contact though, is often is an approach about running sales and business development for them in markets they wish to enter.

Through a series of consultations, companies come to understand that being empowered to adapt their business offering to new markets is much more likely to lead to long-term business success. So, instead of directly selling on their behalf I become a facilitator, or even a tool – helping them enter new networks as and when they are ready.

So, are you export ready?

1. What does marketing mean to you?

Many respond with international fairs and sales… this is very elementary and shows me how much support a client might need.

2. What are you solving for a (Nordic) client?

This shows me how much they understand the market they are wishing to enter as well as digging down into their understanding of their own product or service.

3. What does your business model look like?

Very often companies that talk to me say they have saturated their local market and see export as a way of expanding their reach. It is not always the case however, that a domestic business model can be applied to other markets.

EXPORT – the sure path to business growth

We help you reduce time, cost and risk
… but to do this we need to understand what kind of company you are

With over 30 years’ experience of supporting trade and exports across the Nordics and beyond, we have identified key elements, as being critical to building long-term market success overseas. To support their implementation for partners, we have created two offerings, incorporating a menu of services to suit your organisation needs.

A. As an SME you might be considering whether you are Export Ready. You may also need wider export support. ECCA Nordic can help you access available funding through Business support agencies such as Business Finland or Business Sweden as well as offering other expert advice.

B. If you are  an established exporter, looking or new markets, working with ECCA Nordic will allow you to develop an extra layer of operational maturity, helping you build business success in additional markets.

An Export Partner Group is suitable for SMEs and those just starting to think about exporting. Many of the companies working with ECCA Nordic in this way have gone on to become Business Finland Success Stories. Participating in an export partner groups allows both knowledge and cost share.

Multiple players sharing the export manager costs

Peer to peer knowledge share

Joint meetings with the group but everyone has their own action plan

The possibility of obtaining state export subsidies


The Tailored Export Management Solution is suitable for larger organisations or those who already have export experience. Participating in this way allows you to hit the ground running.

One to one support for partner organisation and its leadership team

Export manager meetings with key decision-makers and stakeholders

A tailored action plan

A fast-track contract made directly with ECCA Nordic

Opening Doors for

Nordic Business

VD, Econ.LIC (Int´l Bus), HHJ


I founded ECCA Nordic in 2005 in order to realise my vision of the ideal Nordic Export Agency: one which prides itself on driving business growth while enabling forward-looking communities across the world to live the Nordic way – embracing sustainable, confident and fulfilling lives.

My Finnish / Swedish heritage means that I understand the power of working for the collective good but, am also able to translate this into markets where individual success is valued.

Under my leadership, ECCA Nordic has brought together competence-based teams and networks; creating an effective exporting launchpad for products and services in the areas of environmental technology, sustainable industrial construction, education and healthcare.

I am proud to say that by embracing technological advancement and doing what is right– for clients and partners but, also in the wider sense, ECCA Nordic is a respected convenor of business across the Nordics and beyond.

Minna HP image

ECCA Nordic = Future Vision + Action Today

Nordic living is about building healthy, connected societies that are cleaner and more sustainable than ever before. ECCA Nordic knows that every person deserves to live this way. We therefore build on regional opportunities to reach further; using local expertise, new technology and powerful networks to make our approach to positive living accessible beyond the Nordics.



We Contribute
We Create
We Deliver
to a world-wide market place
sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with partners & suppliers
successful growth, helping stakeholders bring innovative goods & services to market

Export Expertise

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Marketing Motivation

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Innovation Networks

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©2025 ECCA Nordic

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